September 16, 2024

International Preparedness Network

Climate Crisis Protection, Self-Reliance, Preparedness, Sustainable Living, ia-The Science Of Human Survival, Surf-6'ers & Afroprep-NOW!

Join Us


Joining the I.P.N. is easy! Before you do, please take note that to become a member, you must know that the I.P.N. does not accept memberships from individuals who have been convicted of the following violent crimes: rape, assault, murder, manslaughter or, pedophilia. 

Failure to disclose information regarding criminal history to I.P.N. will result in the immediate and permanent expulsion from the organization.

Please read the following information thoroughly:

The I.P.N. has two (2) different member types and seven (7) levels — General and Active.  If you wish to qualify for official status in the higher levels, you must become an active member.

The most common I.P.N. members are General and Active. (in the following order)

General Membership Rules & Regulations.

General I.P.N. members are not required to practice or study the I.P.N. operations protocol “ia.” (Improvisational Adaptation)  General membership entitles them to participate in specific I.P.N. events, receive the I.P.N. newsletter Klaxon, and reports from IPNtel (if they place their email on our list serve). General membership is free (donations are accepted) General members are strongly encouraged (but not required) to purchase the I.P.N. manual Preparedness NOW!

To become a general member, fill out this quick form!

Active Membership Protocols

If Active I.P.N.  membership seems best for you, proceed to end of page & fill out your application. If you would prefer to learn more about the I.P.N. experience and curriculum, read on!

2. Active Members signify that the I.P.N. member has taken and successfully completed his or her I.P.N. “ia” basic emergency preparedness course (Preparedness NOW!) Active I.P.N. members may participate in all I.P.N. events, will receive an I.P.N. official ID card, member number and code can wear official Active Member I.P.N. Gear and, can form small I.P.N. chapters Community Service Units (CSU’s) Active Members yearly dues fees are $40.00 All I.P.N. active members receive their start up kit including a copy of the I.P.N. basic operations manual Preparedness NOW!, an I.P.N. official ID card, member number and code. I.P.N. Active member Volunteers pay only $25.00 for their start up kit.



3. I.P.N. Basic Instructors have successfully completed all of their I.P.N. Basic XET7 training classes including outdoor survival, BLS (basic life saving) and orienteering. I.P.N. instructors receive an I.P.N. official ID card, member number and code. They can also stage their own I.P.N. events, wear official instructors gear, form CSU’s and, I.P.N. Circle Chapters (CC’s) for 100 members or more. All I.P.N. instructors have the option of posting themselves on the I.P.N. website to promote their services and activities.

4. I.P.N. Consultants have successfully completed all of the following classes, basic to intermediate “ia” outdoor survival & orienteering, emergency shelter construction, emergency renewable energy systems set up, BLS training emergency first aid, LifeDefense and, if able bodied, I.P.N. Consultants must meet specific I.P.N. physical performance requirements. (see rules) Consultants can also stage their own IPN events, form Community Service Units, I.P.N. Circle chapters (100 members or more) and, represent I.P.N. in the media (in their local area). All I.P.N. Consultants have the option of posting themselves on the I.P.N. website with a complete webpage (contact on the I.P.N. website to promote their services and activities.

5. I.P.N. Agents have successfully completed all of the following classes, basic to advanced “ia”, outdoor survival & orienteering, emergency shelter construction, emergency renewable energy systems set up, BLS training emergency first aid, Life-Defense, IPN XET-7 training,

6. IPNgines command all of the advanced levels of I.P.N. training and, have the option of becoming part of the IPN leadership council – AS O.N.E. (Ascenders Society of One Nation Earth)

7Protector (see Protector section of website) The I.P.N. protector program is only for the individual dedicated to attaining the highest levels of emergency preparedness/response skills. It entails all of the advanced levels of I.P.N. training including many other different types of preparedness/response/tactical training. They must be superbly fit, strong and have a high level of technical, and scientific skill.

NOTE: All I.P.N. members (with the exception of member supporters) practice the I.P.N. operations Protocol ia (improvisational adaptation)

The I.P.N. symbol for ia is called a DANGERSHIELD®. The DANGERSHIELD® uses the internationally recognized symbols for fire, flood, storms, biohazards, earthquakes and radiation. IPN active members, instructors, consultants, agent/consultants, agents, IPNgines and protectors wear the DANGERSHIELD® on their clothing to signify their membership & rank within the organization and, their overall level of preparedness. This is called “DANSCA.”

The preparedness levels are measured on the DANSCA (DANGERSHIELD®) ranking scale) D level 1 is the lowest (basic rank) & D level 7 is highest (Protector).

I.P.N. Basic to Advanced XET7 member curriculum:


I.P.N. Basic XET7 Active member curriculum:

  • Basic personal and home preparedness rules.
  • Basic personal and home preparedness equipment, identification and applications.
  • Basic personal and home protective equipment (PPE’s)
  • 1 EvacUWalk
  • Basic nuclear, biological, chemical event (terrorism) & seismic emergency & severe storm safety.
  • Basic auto and travel safety.
  • Basic FirstAid.
  • Basic emergency lighting & power.
  • Basic emergency transportation.
  • Basic home and personal fire safety. (In NYC, Chicago add basic Hirise & subway fire escape.
  • Basic personal* and home defense. (optional)
  • Basic food & water purification and storage.
  • Basic emergency communications.

LEVEL 2 FLOODThe second level (#2) is marked by the FLOOD symbol. has successfully completed 20 hours of XET7 training. This includes part #1 plus:

  • Basic Outdoor Survival (1 day)
  • Ham radio operators basics – technicians class
  • Specialized preparedness equipment identification and applications.
  • PPE usage & special applications
  • Knot tying
  • Basic emergency rappelling
  • Intermediate emergency power generation
  • Basic sanitation and field hygiene
  • Intermediate home and personal defense
  • Intermediate home security
  • Intermediate radiological, seismic, chemical event and severe storm safety.

LEVEL 3 STORM Level three (3) is marked by the STORM, symbol. This indicates that the member has successfully completed 50 hours of XET7 (INTERMEDIATE) level training (and tests). This includes part 1 & 2 plus:

  • Emergency First Aid
  • Emergency apparel fundamentals
  • Emergency rappelling/ascending
  • Radiological device, respiratory protection and hazmat equipment usage specifics and guidelines
  • Intermediate Emergency Communications specifics and equipment
  • Extreme weather survival techniques
  • Emergency rescue basics
  • Emergency bicycle repair
  • Urban Search and Rescue basics (USAR)
  • Introduction to renewable energy power system design & construction
  • Emergency shelter basics
  • Emergency evacuation protocols
  • Emergency food and water procurement (storage)

Completion of levels #1, 2, 3 qualifies all IPN members for DS3 Instructor’s status.

STATUS LEVEL 4 DS 4 BIOHAZARD Number four (4) is the symbol for BIOHAZARD. At this DANSCA level, the member has successfully completed his or her XET7 level 1, 2, 3 courses, and, after completing the level 4 curriculum, automatically progresses to level 5. Level four curriculums (subject to change)

  • Basic emergency auto mechanics
  • Basic rescue swimming* and boating
  • Introduction to Disasterresistant home and emergency shelter construction
  • Hydroponics & basic organic agriculture
  • Basic firearm safety (NRA course)
  • Poisonous insect and reptile identification/control**
  • Personal emergency gear design and construction**
  • Basic electronics
  • Orienteering (Land Navigation) * if qualified** Elective | Completion of levels #1, 2, 3, 4 qualify all IPN members to test for DS5 Instructor’s status.

STATUS LEVEL DS5 EARTHQUAKE Level five (5) is EARTHQUAKE. This indicates that the member has successfully completed all BASIC, & INTERMEDIATE AND INSTRUCTOR/AGENT courses and tests requirements).


  • Advanced rappelling and ascending (mountaineering)
  • Renewable energy systems installation and design
  • Disaster resistant home and emergency shelter site planning & construction
  • Basic Life Saving (BLS) Firstaid
  • Advanced Nuclear Biological & Chemical preparedness
  • Advanced U.S.A.R.
  • Advanced outdoor survival (including kayaking, canoeing & boating)
  • Advanced orienteering
  • Urban Farming
  • Basic Aviation
  • Intermediate Electronics
  • Technicians Class Ham Operators License
  • Lifeguard certification
  • Scuba Diving (PADI Open Water Diving Course Certification)

STATUS LEVEL 6 RADIATION Requirements: Advanced levels of all IPN courses. The center point (#6) of the DANGERSHIELD ® is the radiation emergency symbol. This indicates that the IPN member has successfully completed all BASIC, INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED courses.

STATUS LEVEL 7 PROTECTOR See protector section of website.

All additional IPN training is available on audio CD & DVD IPN Levels 15 XET7 Training system

Training & Member Applications

IPN extreme event training is limited to professionals. To learn more,

General Member Application

Now that you have scanned through the full range of IPN membership types and the curriculum, you can join up!

Simply fill out the forms below for General and Active Member *indicates required field


*Name:*Address or PO Box:

Telephone number

*Email address

Would you like the IPN email Newsletter? State 

 yes or  


Would you like the IPNtel briefings? State 

 yes or  


Do you plan to become an active member? State 

 yes or  


Have you ever been convicted of a felony crime? State 

 yes or  


If so, you are not eligible to be an IPN General Member/supporter.

Active Member Application



*Address or PO Box:

*Telephone number

*Email address *Would you like the IPN email newsletter? State yes or no.

*Would you like the IPNtel briefings? State yes or no.

*Do you plan to become an active member? State yes or no.

*Have you ever been convicted of a felony crime? If so, you are not eligible to be an IPN Active Member.

*Do you have any special skills you would like to share with IPN? If so, please describe in a few sentences.

*Would you be willing to volunteer your services or share your skills with other members?State yes or no.

*Would you be willing to volunteer to assist emergency service personnel during disasters and emergencies? State yes or no.

*Do you plan to test for higher levels in IPN? State yes or no.

The IPN has a list of rules and guidelines that all members must follow. If you decide to come aboard, please read thoroughly.

Rules & Regulations

Section #3 IPN Membership Rules & Regulations

The International Preparedness Network is unique in its structure. Members are divided into small groups (units) consisting of no more than 50 members and no less than two (2) single members are called points. It is suggested that each unit be comprised of friends, or family. Each group or point is given a number or code that is registered on the network database.

Each group has a designated captain that handles the affairs, and represents them at meetings. Each member (group, point) must abide by the following rules:

All network materials, information, products, merchandise; logos are to be used by network members only.

b. Network members may not profit from the unauthorized sale of internal I.P.N., U.S.P.N., C.B.N.C. Intellectual material (brochures, manuals) or equipment, t-shirts, hats, clothing used during training. If you are an instructor, you are required to stage a minimum of three public forums per year at churches, community centers etc. When teaching private classes, your service fees may not exceed $60.00 per individual for the basic X.E.T. -7 course – (fifteen-member minimum).

For classes with over twenty trainees, the fee drops by ten ($10) dollars. Over thirty, another ten. Fifty & up, no more than $20.00 each. For classes with over 30 trainees, five (5%) percent of the total must be sent back to the I.P.N. All I.P.N. (U.S.P.N.) membership fees ($35.) are tobe sent to: International Preparedness Network P.O. Box 020632 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11202-0632
Network member/instructors must complete the basic course. Each year, each member must be re-tested. A passing grade is 90%

Section #3 IPN Membership Rules & Regulations Pt 2

Members must maintain a high moral standard. Any behavior that negatively reflects upon the organization will provoke immediate suspension, or expulsion.

No alcohol, cigarettes, pot, or any other narcotic or sprit is allowed at network meetings.

Members must be 16 years of age and up. Younger members must join the youth corps.

Member/instructors must make an effort to maintain their health and physical fitness.

Member/instructors must assist all other member/instructors in good standing. All network information must be shared with fellow member/instructors.

Member/instructors must act as the eyes and ears of other member/instructors in different locations.

Member/instructors must establish emergency communication methods (ham, citizens band and other types of radio transmitters are necessary)
Members must not share internal network information with non-members! Failure to practice this will result in immediate expulsion! And, in some cases legal action.
All member/instructors must take a gardening/farming & hydroponics basic class.
All members/instructors must know how to purify and store their own water supply.
All member instructors must possess “72 hr kits” and personal kits.
All members/instructors must learn how to protect themselves from nuclear, biological and chemical terrorism.
All member/instructors must maintain a strict standard of discipline regarding their state of readiness. It is suggested that all member/instructors establish relationships with other groups and points. New members must never be recruited.

Proselytizing is strongly discouraged. New members can only enter if:

1. They inquire about membership.

2. Complete their basic course.

3. Agree to teach their skills to family & their communities. Potential members with criminal records (felonies) must reveal the nature of their crimes. Failure to do this will result in immediate expulsion! Outside of activist revolutionaries, Eco-warriors, wrongly convicted citizens, squatters, scofflaws and graffiti artists, violent offenders need not apply) All of the above rules are subject to new additions periodically. Failure to abide by the network guidelines can result in the immediate expulsion of the member/instructor (point) and or group.