July 27, 2024

International Preparedness Network

Climate Crisis Protection, Self-Reliance, Preparedness, Sustainable Living, ia-The Science Of Human Survival, Surf-6'ers & Afroprep-NOW!

Disaster Preparedness in NYC 2014

photo-40I.P.N. Member RJ Coté is laying down the truth on the air! Recently, BBC World Service presented a segment on Urban Preparedness for Disasters, and RJ spoke to the fact that support services will not be accessible to many New Yorkers when they most need it.  The time to think about this is NOW.  ABC Nightline will have RJ speaking to the evacuation of millions competing for resources on the way out of the NYC Metro area.

RJ is a longtime computer expert for I.P.N. and can explain how mini-disasters like computer crashes can be avoided just by planning ahead.  He goes on to say the same goes for life-threatening events. “Never stop learning,” says the quiet man who looks like he should be on a boat, with his signature Greek skipper’s cap and twinkle-eyed grin.

“A few minutes spent today thinking about your plans in the case of a disaster –  for your family or for yourself – can save lives, including your own.”

You can reach RJ by dropping him a line via email.

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