Two years ago in 2011, the film Contagion was released. The story is about...
The International Preparedness Network (I.P.N.) is a not-for-profit organization/association that specializes in training civilians & professionals on how to prepare for, respond to and recover from the full range of natural, technological, environmental, civil, cyber, economic personal disasters and emergencies. In addition, the I.P.N. also specializes in self-reliance and sustainable living training and the development of disaster preparedness, self-reliance, sustainable living equipment.
The Ready-UP! program was created by self-reliance/preparedness/sustainable living expert Aton Edwards in Spring 2011...
When the going gets really tough, you may need emergency transportation. If you ever...
By Aton Edwards, IPN Executive Director Hurricane Sandy is rapidly approaching! Here are...
When the going gets really tough, get going with these IPN approved emergency...
When disasters strike, you must have an emergency food and water supply in...
No matter where you are or who you are, the I.P.N. believes that safe...
By Aton Edwards, I.P.N. Executive Director There isn’t a day that goes by where...
The I.P.N. Book, Movie and DVD club is a great and fun way for...
This is the International Preparedness Network official operations manual. It contains a unique disaster mitigation protocol,...