May 8, 2024

International Preparedness Network

Climate Crisis Protection, Self-Reliance, Preparedness, Sustainable Living, ia-The Science Of Human Survival, Surf-6'ers & Afroprep-NOW!

I.P.N. Prepares X-Stream Online “ia” Training Class, May 31, 2014


By Nelson Vega, I.P.N. 

On Saturday, May 31st 1-6:30 PM, the I.P.N. will present the first broadcast of X-Stream!  Our live streaming uncensored program featuring Executive Director Aton Edwards.  This will be the first in a series of three online training sessions in the I.P.N.’s unique “ia- science of life-protection” protocol.

This session will feature the basic principals (Tao)  of “ia” along with basic personal/home/community disaster preparedness & self-reliance.  The 6 hour class is designed to help new I.P.N. instructors to learn how to teach our unique preparedness methods that have helped to train thousands around the worlds since 1989.

Several I.P.N. members used “ia” methods to survive and escape horrific disasters including the most notable,  America’s largest act of terrorism, the WTC/Pentagon attacks back in 2001.

Over the years, Edwards and several other experts have shaped “ia” into an easy and quick to learn and apply highly effective disaster preparedness/response/self-reliance protocol that will help all who practice it to survive nearly any emergency or disaster, become self reliant and learn how to protect and preserve our planet.  It is as Edwards describes “a new martial art – not unlike Kung-Fu or Karate, self-defense skills that protect the individual. “ia” is protection for life” … all life!

It is sure to be a rewarding experience for all who join the broadcast!







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