July 27, 2024

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8 Plausible Reasons to Rethink About Your Survival Strategy During Holidays


By Jona Jone

Last holiday season, everyone  shared smiles, laughter, love and warmth. We expected hearty greetings and warm welcomes holidayfrom our friends and relatives; it’s hard to expect anything would go wrong. But just because it’s the holiday season, it doesn’t mean security threats ceases fire. In fact, it’s more important to make sure you are prepared for what we might encounter along the way, while everybody’s lenient. No, we’re not talking about a holiday zombie attack, but we’re not counting that out as well.

Being prepared, whatever season it may be, is very important. Aside from giving yourself the ability to respond appropriately to unwanted scenarios and safeguard your family and others, it also gives you the peace you need to completely enjoy the celebration wherever you are. Here are some more reasons why you should rethink about your survival strategies for holiday season.

Disasters Doesn’t Have Holidays

Not because it’s the holidays, disasters also take a break. They can happen anytime, and if you aren’t prepared, you might get hit hard. A lot of disasters and calamities happen during this season all throughout the globe. The Weather Network recalls calamities that hit the world during the yuletide season including the unexpected white Christmas on Texas, a powerful storm that hit the southern US including about 48 tornadoes, and the Christmas flood that put Oregon underwater. But it’s not only in the United States. Who could possibly forget the Boxing Day tsunami in Indonesia 10 years ago? It’s important to know more holiday survival tips to know what to do in such cases.

Decoration Disasters—literally

It is fun to see your house full of Christmas decorations, socks lined up waiting for Santa Claus, and Christmas tree shining bright. But imagine Santa setting himself on fire with your chimney’s still-burning embers, reindeers crashing through your roof, candles causing fire, and Christmas lights blasting before the New Year’s Eve. holiday-disasterThe United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimates there are more than 12,000 injuries each year directly related to holiday decorations.

Not All Intruders Are Like Santa

After the fun and exhausting Christmas celebration, everybody just wants a good rest. Well, maybe some of them just don’t burglarhave the same schedule. Unwelcomed guests might come in the middle of the night, not to leave gifts, but to take some from you. Burglars always look for an opportunity like this when you are tired, drunk, or just at ease because of the holiday spirit. But if you have a burglar-prevention plan, you can sleep without the worry. If you are planning to leave your house and celebrate elsewhere, make sure to choose the right alarm system for your home that enables you to get alerts remotely such as hardwired or wireless alarm system.

Holiday Spirits

Speaking of intruders, not all of them are after your belongings. Some of them are after you or your family. The celebration, booze and the euphoria can cause people to do things they wouldn’t do if they weren’t drunk, or worse, drugged. These problems might occur inside your property while having a good time with your friends or somebody you do not know might come inside and join the party in a rude way, or even outside where lots of other people are hanging out. Self defense and knowledge about handling the situation properly is a must. caution-drunkard-md

Oh, the Gifts You Would Receive

The gift-giving season can be a lot of fun, especially the receiving part of it. But with all the gifts you would receive, your house can be too cluttered and might interfere with your escape plans, you might lose sight of your emergency kits, and you might have a hard time gathering all the necessary items for unwanted scenarios. You need to plan ahead of time, to avoid the hassle the seemingly harmless gifts can give.

Christmas is Not Just for You

Stores where you can buy necessary items in case of emergencies are most probably closed during the holiday season. Store clerks celebrate Christmas too! Your survival kit must be in good shape before you get hit by a disaster—possibly Godzilla—and be ready for any scenarios. Packing up your Go Bag just makes perfect sense.

For the Love of Our Furry Friends

Have you ever thought of how your pets would feel during this party time? Sure, they’d have more food than they would be able to eat. But other than that, they might not be at ease with all the guests that would visit you and feel threatened and fireworks and other noises stresses them a lot more than humans. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals states that pets, especially our canine pals have a tendency to have fear of noises. This can be caused by genetics or learned fear. Your survival plan should also include our pets and their safety.

Because Zombies, That’s why

Well, as we’ve mentioned, we can’t just rule out the possibility, right? Of course we’re kidding. Zombie Apocalypse is not a threat, and it wouldn’t happen. But what if it does? Being ready for any—yes, any—scenario is what we’re after. Sorry, we just can’t help ourselves from thinking about the zombies.

Before indulging with all the Christmas and New Year celebration, your holiday security plan should be in place. You should have your first aid kits and emergency tools ready, your home security system working, and your mind prepared any time of the year, including the yuletide season. It pays to be prepared, so you can enjoy the festivities at ease.

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